Chayil Youth

We are intentional about the growth of our youth for holistic success in their character, relationships, dreams, hopes and aspirations. Every youth has a godly purpose in life as God’s son or daughter. We provide support for parents with their children in a purpose-driven atmosphere with worship and spiritual growth. (Ages 12-19).


We are intentional about the growth of our youth for holistic success in their character, relationships, dreams, hope and aspirations. Every youth has a godly purpose is life as God’s son or daughter. We provide support for parents with their children in a purpose-driven atmosphere with worship and spiritual growth
chayil church online


Youth and Young Adults are connecting on Friday Nights with Pastors and each other for fellowship & inspiration in-person/ Fridays 7:30 PM EST. See you there.


Our Chayil Mentorship program has five focus areas for training, counselling and empowering our youth They will discover their greatness and design their lives according to God’s blueprint for success in their character, career and calling. A committed team of successful professional from different spheres of society care and mentor our youth.


Fellowship and fun should be a part of everyone’s life and especially our energetic and vibrant youths. Our Friday night service, after glow sports and fellowship, Dusk Till Dawn All Nighters, and fun events provide safe activities to enjoy fellowship and build great relationships.